The best 5 cities in the world for young single people to live

You've got your whole life to settle down, buy a house and raise the obligatory family, so don't let anyone tell you that while you're young, free and single you shouldn't skip to foreign shores and have some fun. 

If the opportunity arises for you to experience singledom somewhere exciting, we've got a few ideas up our sleeve…

Try your luck in lavish Dubai

Dubai consists of 70% expats so if you're afraid to move there for fear of being alone in a Muslim country, think again. In the world's most glamorous city there are jobs aplenty for an ambitious self-starter. Recruitment, engineering and teaching jobs are available, and if you're in the media you'll get a head start here, as many global companies have a base on these sandy shores and will welcome you more willingly than they might back home.

Expect a tax-free salary, a visa that's all taken care of by your company, a brand new apartment and the kind of crazy nightlife you'll be talking about well into your retirement years. Just don't hold hands in public.

Luvverly London's not too bad

London can be a great place for singles and most Australians who head to the Big Smoke head over on a working holiday visa. This gives you 24 months to work and play if you're aged between 17-30. This visa is not valid for medical jobs, professional sportsperson jobs or for setting up businesses but anything else is fair game. Shared housing is easy to arrange and London has all sorts of free things to do, just perfect for dates with those hot new Englishmen and women. Speed dating has taken off here lately, so get set, go and get a bit of Britain on your agenda.

Practice your Spanish in Barcelona

This is Spain's hottest city, and we're not talking about the weather. In beautiful Barcelona the men and women are the kind of jaw-droppingly gorgeous that make you turn your head in the street. How did this happen? We're not entirely sure, but if you're single and in search of a new place to call home you could do worse than to head here. Freelancers will find it a great base and some English teaching jobs, as well as jobs in tourism are available. 

Keep in mind however, that the UK Working Holiday visa can't be transferred to Spain; you'll need to see your Embassy about a valid visa, or just visit as a traveller. And join OK Cupid - now.

Set up camp in Canada

Vancouver is a great place for singles, thanks to its fast-paced outdoorsy lifestyle. Girls will no doubt find the kind of rugged men they dream about, who rock-climb for kicks on weekends and walk their dogs in the mountains. Guys will find artistically inclined and well-educated females (Vancouver is somewhat of a creative hub). 

The Working Holiday visa can be obtained if you're aged 18-30 and is valid for 24 months. You can work in most fields but you may need to undergo a medical examination if you plan to work in education or medicine. 

Join the hustle of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a melting pot of history and culture and many expats find that once they've lived and worked here, they never want to leave. Single people will find every sexy race, color and creed they desire in this neon, gritty city and have a great time exploring, too. 

Beaches, crowded markets and cosy undiscovered gems hidden in alleyways make it an exciting place to date, although it can rain a lot in monsoon season so be warned. Australians aged 18-30 are eligible for a visa that's valid for 12 months. This allows you to work a maximum of 3 months with any one employer.

How do I decide which place is for me?

If you're spoilt for choice on where to sow your single seeds, start with thinking about how far away you want to head. If distance isn't an issue, Europe is a great place to live, work and date, whereas Hong Kong is closer to home. If money's an issue, find a place that's cheap to live. The main thing to remember is that life is short and the married road can be long. Live it up while you can.

Are you considering a move overseas? What's most important to you - the economy, the culture or the social scene?

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