Three things men just don't get about women

Listen up guys; it's really not that tricky. You may think women are ‘complex' and a ‘total mystery' but that's just an easy excuse for your lack of effort, isn't it? 

Here are three very basic things you need to know about women. Master these and you will reap endless rewards.

1)Women just want to know that they're on your mind

Think about all the times you've really been into someone… they take up every last inch of your headspace. Every thought is dedicated to how you will get them into bed (most probably) and they always seem to be on your mind. 

Then, you get into a relationship with said person and other things start to take over your thoughts as life continues. For men, that's a fact of life. For women, that's like being told they're no longer desirable. 

Do things ‘just because': 

It's the simplest thing to text your partner with something nice for no reason, or to buy a small card or flowers for absolutely no reason. Be the first one to mention that her birthday is coming up, maybe message her when you hear a song playing that reminds you of her or bring home a movie she loves. Even posting something you both find funny to her facebook page is better than nothing at all.

A few small ‘you're on my mind' gestures will make her feel desired… which leads to more… you know, desirable actions elsewhere! 

2)Sometimes women just want you to take charge

All those with strong, independent partners need to remember this one: sometimes you just need to ‘man up' and take charge. No one wants to be the person who makes the decisions all the time. 

The good news is that this is also really simple. As simple as deciding where you're going out for dinner or even initiating a conversation about your next holiday. Tell her you've spotted a new restaurant is opening or that this weekend you're making the plans for the two of you. It brings some surprise back into things and makes her feel like you care about the time you spend together.

3)Her friend's opinions really do matter

If your partner's friends love you, then you sir, are on easy street. Women like to feel like they've bagged a man other women would want to be with too. To figure this out she will most certainly be asking her friends for their opinion of you. And even if she says otherwise, those opinions will matter to varying extents. 

Making an effort with her friends is important too – let her know that you want to spend more time getting to know them and try and organise something. If her friends think you're the greatest man to walk the planet then you have just mastered the key to a harmonious relationship. 

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