Places to go that everyone hasn't already been to

Isn't it annoying when your dream holiday destination gets all-too-quickly overshadowed by the opinion of someone who's already been there? The trick is to go somewhere different and be the voice of experience. 

Here are some ideas to get ahead of the crowd.

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In 2014, Namibia's Tourism Board opened three self-drive routes with the aim of sending tourists to places previously unvisited in this beautiful country. Sustainable tourism is big here, as are Wilderness Safaris and when it's this easy to get off the beaten track alone, why not be the first to explore new ground? 

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Yogyakarta, Indonesia

While Bali is on the radar for Australian tourists, nearby Yogyakarta has long been overlooked thanks to a lack of decent places to stay. Now, with a slew of new hotels opening, exploring this central Javanese sultanate is much more alluring. Get there first, before everyone else finds out how great it is. And leave your Bintang T-shirts at home.

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Petra, Jordan

Made famous by Indiana Jones, Petra is one of those places we all seem to know. However, many travellers don't get a chance to visit as it takes a dedicated trip to get there. The Treasury and Monastery in Petra are by far some of the most astonishing sites you'll ever see. The cascading carvings that makes up the front of these structures would be considered a feat in architecture nowadays, never mind the 5th Century when it was said to have been built.

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Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are almost 1000km west of Ecuador in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. Travellers who get a chance to visit will find themselves hanging out with an almost unbelievable range of incredible creatures from sea lions to penguins. In fact, it was the wildlife here that actually inspired Darwin's theory of natural selection so not only are the Galapagos Islands great for animal lovers, history and science buffs love it here too.

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The Albanian Coast

The coast of Albania, right between Greece and Montenegro is still a relatively cheap place to stay and offers quiet, rugged beauty you'd be hard-pressed to find elsewhere in Europe without hoards of tourists ruining your views. Hire a kayak and make your way past limestone villages, ancient forts and abandoned war tunnels as you marvel at Corfu from a distance.

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